Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Santa Hat Pics from Twitter Profiles - by T.S. Elliott

These pics are by Tribe cofounder
T.S. Elliott on her blog:

I'm just being a good little elf and posting them here for her. (Carlin)

This was a really fun project. When I got 1,000 followers - I told them that I would put Santa Hats on their profile pics if they wanted!!! Here are a few of the funny Santa Hat pics!!!

It seems like there are a lot of profiles with the hats now, it is really catching on!!! You should show your holiday spirit too and be part of our Tribe.


T.S. Elliott said...

Thanks Carlin!!! I didn't realize that the entire blog was here until I wrote you another one with the pic!!! You can change it if you want!!! I do have a new blog on groups that I posted today and I don't know exactly how the trackbacks work on there, but supposedly helps you move it around easier, these dang new bloggers and all their questions!!! I just don't have it all figured out yet - at least we are trying, right. Have a good week!!!

Carlin said...

Hey sorry, I thought I told you, but then again, its easy to miss tweets sometimes... and I post so much dorky stuff I don't even pay attention anymore! Anyway, yeah feel free to play around here, and if you want to invite someone, I think you have the proper creds to do it. I made you admin. I will have a great week, and you too :)